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Resources and Repositories



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Rights and Licenses

Being well informed about Creative Commons licenses, permissions, and copyright can help you make informed decisions about using OER.


A teacher instructing students. By

Teaching with OER

Teaching with OER and embracing open educational practices is rewarding for both instructors and students.


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Finding OER

Finding suitable OER is the first step to embracing open education. These repositories can help you locate the right resource for your course.


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Evaluating OER

Ensuring your selected OER is suitable for your course and is of high quality is essential. Approaching it the same way you would a traditional resource is one way. These other resources may be useful to you.

A pen editing on a paper. By

Creating and Editing OER

These resources can help you create an OER from scratch, collaborate on OER, and edit/adapt OER.


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OER Training

Find training for curating, creating, and editing OER, whether you are a beginner or expert.


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OER Events

Ensuring your selected OER is suitable for your course and is of high quality is essential. Approaching it the same way you would a traditional resource is one way. These other resources may be useful to you.

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OER Advocacy

Adoption of OER as a whole depends a lot on the advocacy of the campus community for openness. Here are a few resources that can be supportive in investigating what advocacy means to you and how you can take a meaningful role in the opening up of education.



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