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Creating OER

Learn about our new initiative, the OER Lab, dedicated to the creation of high quality OER that will be used directly in an Ontario Tech undergraduate course by Ontario Tech students. Learn more here.

Creating OER on your own, collaborating on a work with colleagues, or making an OER as a class assignment with students are engaging and exciting ways to delve into open educational practice. This page provides you with information on how to create OER for multiple uses.

  • Creation Tools: Learn about the different tools that are available to create OER in a variety of formats.
  • Licensing: Learn about the rights and licenses you have when using and creating OER.
  • Attribution: Best practices for attributing source works and your own.

 Man creating a diagram on a whiteboard. hoto by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Creation Tools

There are many digital tools you can use to creat OER, ranging from standard desktop or cloud word-processing software, to specialized programs created just for books and OER. 

Some OER authoring tools are free, and others require payment. Also, be aware that some tools require users to actively change their sharing settings to make resources public, or they may only allow sharing with other registered users and not the wider public.