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Student Success

Student Success Initiative

At Ontario Tech University, student success is an important, university-wide conversation, involving faculty, staff, and students. Learn about the current initiatives started by the university community, the reason behind our approach, and how you can get involved in supporting student success.

The Student Success Committee’s purpose is to identify and remove barriers for students who have a demonstrable desire to succeed. This collaborative committee has the responsibility to provide a cross functional forum for dialogue and communication about issues related to student success. The committee will serve to identify, plan, develop, implement and evaluate student success strategies collaboratively in order to achieve the measures of increased student success and program completion.

MySuccess plan

MySuccess plan

Get involved in student success

Get involved in student success

Feature initiatives

Student success initiatives are happening all around campus, and we are happy to feature just a few of them on this site. Learn about how faculty, staff, and students are working together on projects such as:

We encourage you to contact us with your stories of student success, or to find out how you can be involved in ongoing student success projects.