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MySuccess Survey

The MySuccess survey aims to assess the non-cognitive (resiliency, time management, interpersonal, etc.) abilities of incoming students. The results of the survey will help the university determine advising intervention strategies and customize student services to support students during their studies. In addition, students will receive an action plan of services and resources to assist them during their studies.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am having trouble accessing the survey. What should I do?

    Some web filters and anti-virus programs blocked the shortened url in the email we sent to you. We apologize for this inconvenience. If you click on the link below, you will be directed to the survey.



  • Who has to take the survey?

    All new students beginning their studies at Ontario Tech University will be asked to complete the MySuccess survey.

    The MySuccess survey was piloted with first-year students in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science and the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities in September 2018.

  • Is the survey mandatory to complete?

    The survey is optional; however, we strongly encourage you to complete the survey to help the university customize services and supports available to you.

  • How do I access the survey?

    You will receive an email at your (previously referred to as UOITnet) email address. You will need to know your 9-digit Student Number and email address to access the survey.

  • How long will the survey take to complete?

    The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you exit the survey before submitting it, you will have to start over from the beginning.

  • How will the results be used?

    The information gathered will inform you of institutional resources, and be shared with your Academic Advisor for follow-up support, if required.

  • Will my responses affect my grades?

    Your grades will not be affected by the MySuccess survey. In fact, there are no wrong answers to any of the survey questions.


The Early Alert Taskforce initiated and developed the MySuccess survey. This task force is a sub-committee reporting into the Student Success Committee which has the responsibility to provide a cross functional forum for dialogue and communication about issues related to student success.