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Sense of Resourcefulness

Sense of resourcefulness is defined as the ability to manage the challenges of the university experience proactively. The following information will help promote your sense of resourcefulness while attending Ontario Tech University.


If you are unsure about where to go for academic resources on campus, Academic Advising can be a great starting point. Academic Advisors are committed to helping you make choices that will lead to your academic success.

  • Find your Academic Advisor
  • Book a one-on-one appointment
  • View frequently asked questions

Learn more about Academic Advising

If you have questions, need information, or want to know ‘what’s next’ for the services provided within the Office of the Registrar, they are a click away. These services include:

  • Admissions and transfer credit
  • Fees and payments
  • Financial aid
  • On-campus employment
  • Registration and student records
  • Student awards

Learn more about the Registrar's office

If you are looking for academic, personal or social support outside of the classroom, the Office of Student Life has the services and resources to help you succeed, including:

  • Athletics and Recreation
  • Career Centre
  • Indigenous Education and Cultural Services
  • International Education
  • Student Accessibility Services
  • Student Engagement and Equity
  • Student Learning Centre
  • Student Mental Health Services

Learn more about the Office of Student Life

Campus Library provides information needs, program and academic research support to students, staff, and faculty. A major emphasis is on providing exceptional instructional opportunities to promote critical informational learning skills. Other amenities include:

  • Study space
  • Interlibrary loan (ILL) services
  • Reserve reading
  • Assistance with copyright
  • Plagiarism and citation styles
  • Walk-in and remote access to the collection

Learn more about the Campus Libraries

Learn about the accommodations, financial support and events we offer to help build an accessible university and ensure all students have equal opportunities to succeed, including:

  • Accommodations
  • Groups and workshops for students with documented disabilities
  • Financial support specifically for students with disabilities
  • Policies and procedures the university follows to create an accessible campus for all

Learn more about Accessibility

The following information will also support your sense of resourcefulness:

In addition to these resources, the university has also created the MySuccess Plan to help you find services quickly and conveniently. We invite you to visit and add this site as a bookmark so you can return to the site regularly.