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Enhanced Academic Advising

Using a proactive technique to improve outcomes.


Kerry Morrison, Academic Advising Coordinator

As a new and growing institution, Ontario Tech University has many positions, which seem to have greater spans than their counterparts at other institutions. The advisor family of jobs is no different as some are asked to perform transactional and transformation duties due to history, resource constraints or skills sets. As Ontario Tech looks to invest in student supports it is essential to provide a general framework and training to the advising positions and develop best practices for Ontario Tech. Training and Development was highlighted as one of the six priority areas of academic advising by the Education Advisory Board (EAB). Included in this area is a need for ongoing advisor training, professional development opportunities, and accessible resources.

There is an overarching understanding that the current decentralized advising model is what best works for Ontario Tech. However, to ensure consistency from Faculty to Faculty, it is in the University’s best interest to have both new and veteran academic advisors receive training in and to work from the same developmental advising framework. Having specific training in areas identified by Ontario Tech academic advisors as relevant to the populations they advise would make advising services at the University more effective and comprehensive to students.

Role clarity and training collaborates will ensure a greater level of uniformity in advising experience for students. A proactive advising approach is also part of the implementation plan. This plan is thoughtful, and carefully seeks to engage students in solution-based problem solving, rather than “stumbled upon” and reactive strategies.

To see an example of how Ontario Tech is making strides towards a proactive advising approach, visit MySuccess Survey.

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